Friday, June 27, 2008

The Itinerary

Well it's just 3 days till we leave. The Davey & Jane karaoke festival will be embarking on our world tour. Here is a brief rundown of all the gigs we will be doing....
  • July 1-14 USA taking in LA, San Diego, Las Vegas, Tijuana (Mexico), San Fran, New York, Niagara Falls and little America (Canada)
  • July 15-19 England where we'll do Portsmouth & London
  • July 20-22 Ireland but probably just Dublin
  • July 23-30 Scotland starting at Edinburgh then fitting in Ft Williams, Skye, Greenock & Dunoon
  • July 31-Aug 2 England for Manchester & Liverpool
  • Aug 3-15 We hop around taking in Barcelona, Zurich, Vienna, Prague, Copenhagen, Berlin & Frankfurt
  • Aug 16-17 Singapore
Aug 18th will be when we finally get home for some much needed sleep and perhaps the odd AA meeting if required. We're hoping to keep the blog up to date as much as possible but we'll see how that goes..... 

Girv get ready!