Wednesday, July 9, 2008


No trip to San Diego is complete without the John J Girvan tour of Tijuana in Mexico. The place is a cross between the bad bits of Kings Cross and the worse bits of the Eureka on a Sunday night. Girv and I were 'home.' The girls on the other hand looked a little out of place.
After crossing the boarder (no checking on the way into Mexico) you can immediately smell he urine. Something tells me they're facilities consist of the nearest doorway or tree.
We stopped in at Taco Locco for some Dos Equis & Tacos. 10 beers, 11 tacos.... $26.00 It's clear why Girv goes here now.
Next up was a place that said on the door "Sorry We're open" Good Sign. Supposedly Vias knows this place well or at least their window he jumped out of when trying to evade paying the tab.
Highlight was seeing two Mexican cops around tea time arrest 2 blokes and take cash out of their wallets in the middle of the street. The whole place is dirty but definitely good enough for a Brahma night out!!

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